Monday, September 28, 2009

It happened

So, Friday night I woke out of a dead sleep with a "zing" and "itching" down there. I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. When I went to check out what was going on down there, it didn't look as bad as past outbreaks. The fact of the matter is that I know I still have Herpes. I think if I keep trying to stay healthy maybe my body will lesson the OB's. In the beginning when I had ob after ob-maybe that was my body clearing itself. I have always been on meds, so I never really new how my body would react. I feel bad for people that want this so bad. I too wanted this to be real. I gave up my whole summer for this. I just don't think that it is real. There is way to many people that have the same story as mine. I was hard headed and I had to find out for myself. I don't think that I will test. Not unless I went months without an ob. I don't want the booster either. It seems everyone has to take that damn thing. I haven't contacted Dave, I almost could care less about that guy. I feel like that is a little fake too.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Over 20 days

This has never happened to me as long as I can remember. I have not had an outbreak in over 20 days. I have even been drinking coffee etc... I get my period in a few weeks, that will be a big test too! Like I have said from the start- It would be wonderful just to get fewer outbreaks over the course of the year.

Friday, September 18, 2009

18 Days and Counting

I still don't have signs of any outbreaks. I have had tingles and itches, but nothing has surfaced.
I guess I will just wait and see what happens!

Friday, September 11, 2009

So Far So Good

I has been about two weeks and I have not had any outbreaks. Sorry about my "scammer"headline. I am just so disappointed in fighters results. To think how hard we are trying to follow this detox and then that happens. I am still going to test next month. I ll keep everyone posted

Monday, September 7, 2009

Maybe Emotional..But Who Isn't?

I just read one of Fighter's comments from someone. It almost sounds like a rep from Resolve. They make it seem like you can just touch someone and you get herpes. This is a very emotional roller coaster. I just read my last blog and was a little embarrassed because how angry I was. I don't know how I feel. I don't even know if I will get tested next month. Today, is my two month post resolve. The last two months were outbreak after outbreak. I have been OK for a few days but, I never hold my breath. I hope the test was wrong for Fighter. I hope she tests negative with the Western blot. I will know I am cured, if I can go a month without an outbreak. She didn't have any outbreaks so her situation is different. I still wish her and everyone else the best. I guess I will just see what happens.

Monday, August 31, 2009


So I am in complete f-ing shock. Fighter's test came back positive. I feel so bad for her. This f-ing detox has taken such a toll on me, my husband, my summer. I have had the worse summer ever because my life has revolved around this bull----. I hope no one wastes there money on this. These people are going to get what they deserve. We just need to get the word out so no one else falls into their tricks. I have learned a lot from this.

Weird Bumps

Yesterday, I was itching down there but in a different spot. This time it is more near my anal region. This is weird because I never has a outbreak there. I was kind of disregarding the feeling. I just looked at it this morning, and there are a few tiny itchy bumps. I will say that the outbreak is not as intense as some of the ones a few weeks ago. I am going to keep an eye on this.
I just want it out of me!!! I was starting to feel better last week. I just have to stay positive.